Thursday, July 26, 2007

Loved Ones.............

Loved Ones

The person you love most? Is a question you will come across in the scrap books and believe me it is either the easiest or the toughest to answer.

Well said or unsaid most people love themselves more than anyone else. When you love someone you tend to surrender yourself completely to that person. You think about that person almost every moment and relate everything around you to that person (Bryan Adams has put the emotions perfectly in his creation " I Think about you "). You see someone wearing a good outfit and the first thing you imagine is your love in that attire, appreciate the thought and your love’s look in that dress and criticize the person actually wearing it for ill-fitting. You plan your life keeping your love in mind, right from your job to vacation to investments to everything under the roof.

To be in love is a great feeling, you feel ecstatic when you are with your loved one. A smile, a caring touch, a hug, a phone call just about anything lifts your spirit up, you feel on the top of the world raring to go for anything, feels like you got everything you ever wanted. Rational, logical thinking does not work when you are taking decisions concerned to your loved ones. You fight with them but one word or a moment is enough to patch up. The thought of loss of your loved one send jitters through your body, you would do anything to safe guard them.

All this is true but does the person you love know that you give them such importance in your life. The problem arises when you love a person who does not have the ability or does not want to love anyone more than themselves. You sacrifice for them but they do not realize nor appreciate because they cannot think beyond themselves.

The root of all problems in any kind of relationship is expectancy. One tends to feel down and dejected when you don’t get what you expect. Relationships are no different especially the intimate relationships. You expect the person to reciprocate in some form or the other to your love but when this does not happen you feel like a looser. This is when the rift in any relationship begins.

This the worst phase one can experience, the feeling of rejection is something no one can take easily especially from someone you loved so much is even harder to digest. Life looks so difficult, suddenly you fell all alone in this world with no motive, no aim in your life. Some people get carried away and sometime harm themselves, spoil there carriers but these are the times when you got to stand tall and rethink if in the first place the person you loved so much was worth all that attention.

As I simply put it, you got to love good souls, always try to have them around you. These souls could be your relatives, friends, anybody.. they would never let you down and be right there when you want them. Hence it becomes very important to judge people before investing your time and effort whether they are you relatives (whom you did not choose) or acquaintances (whom you meet by chance) and never loose good souls you come across. Most importantly I would reiterate and stress that never expect anything from anyone and you will always be happy.

Such is the power of love that even while writing this article I am thinking about my love, what impact is it going to make on her and……………………

Good souls are scarce and scarcity is always in demand so better being in demand than abundance.

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