Thursday, July 26, 2007

Do we have a PURPOSE in life?

Almighty created all of us and am sure he is smart enough not to do all this hard work with out a purpose in mind. We also believe and want to lead our precious life with some purpose or motive to achieve something. If all this is true shouldn’t our first and foremost duty or act be to understand or purpose of life.

In today’s fast and materialistic world, stop somebody and ask whats that you are running for, whats your aim in life, whats the purpose of your existence and mostly the answer you will get is a long pause………….. and then answer like more money, better job, faster car, a bigger living place and so on. But do they actually want all these or they have never introspected enough to understand oneself. Why should somebody like Warren Buffet after spending his entire life making Billions decide to give away most part of his fortune back to the society, back to the people who need it most?

There has to be something more than just amassing wealth, after all as the saying truly puts is “We have come empty handed and will go empty handed”. But having said that is there anything wrong in being materialistic ?????. Even a saint asks for alms and donations but is he being materialistic the answer comes zap NO he is doing to fund his charity programme. It is more important to understand what exactly we want and what is going to give us peace of mind and satisfaction and then run towards it. To understand this we will have to keep pur EGO aside and then think. The rat race to own a bigger house, a faster car, a fatter paycheck, more influential friends will never end and the start point of this race is our EGO ( to satisfy our ever growing ego ).

Well after having spend your time going through all this English that I have written you would have rightly concluded that I myself am confused and am still working hard to Find out PURPOSE of my existence. ….

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